FarBeyondBelieving: Hair; I don't care

29 November 2012

Hair; I don't care

As all of you know, I like changes. And as you can see, I changed my hair a lot. All this.. Happened in 3 years. (you might see a slight change in the way I dress as well) But from very long, ombre, and curly hair. I went to a short, one side shaved haircut. It's so weird to look at photos where my hair was still over my shoulders. It took me so much time to wash, take care of it and get ready in the morning.

The very first thing I did to my hair is dye my fringe and the bottom bit of my hair.. BLACK. Yes black. It already faded away in the first two pictures but you can definitely see the 'ombre' effect steel being there. The brown color on top, is my natural haircolor. Brown, and as you see, the red glow has always been there.

Later on, I decided to dye it red. And all though I changed from bordeaux to fire red, it always has been that way. I'm back to bordeaux now. With time I cut it shorter and shorter. And you know what? I never regret doing it. It's so much easier, my hair is thick and hard to handle, now it's short. It's a lot easier to get ready in the morning. One of the haircuts I still really enjoy.. The photo on which I wear the gray hat? My red ombre. I got my pointy end bleached and all though I only enjoyed this for around 3 months, I loved it. Some people told me: 'It looks like your hair is on fire.' Well that sounds like a good thing to me!

And now? I can't really do that much now. Dye it purple or maybe yellow? But shorter, no that's not an option anymore. But I'm definitely happy the way it looks now. And I only live once, and hair? Is not worth that much to me.


  1. I always admire people cutting their hair short. Shortest i ever went was an bob. Never gonna do it again. Seeing as i am an girl who enjoys her long hair and wants to do things with them.

  2. I love how you had so many different hair styles! I want to cut my hair shorter one day as well, but I think it's such a waste since my hair is pretty long.. But like you said, you only live once... and my hair grows pretty fast, so maybe I'll do it someday :)

  3. With me it's the total opposite. The shorter my hair, the longer it takes to tame. It's above my shoulders now and I really like it but I am letting it grow again. Most of the time I wear my hair up because I don't have the time in the morning to style it, and it's not worth it for me to get up 10min earlier, haha.

  4. Ik vind het zo gaaf dat je dat allemaal durf, haha. Een vriendin van mij knipt het ook steeds af als ze er zin in heeft of heeft opeens een pony, dan opeens weer rood haar, dan weer pornoblond.. :') Ik zou het allemaal niet zo gauw doen! Ik denk dat ik mijn haar dan heel erg ga missen haha, ik kan er nu zoveel mee!

  5. Toen ik jonger was verfde ik ook constant mijn haar, en dan werd er weer 25 cm afgeknipt etc. Veel korter dan net boven mijn schouders heb ik het nooit gehad. Ik denk dat dat bij mijn gezichtvorm heel raar staat en dat ik er dan niet mooier op wordt ;-) Bij jou vind ik het wel heel gaaf! Wat je nu hebt vind ik erg mooi maar die met het grijze hoedje idd ook.

  6. I think it's great that you dare to experiment with your look! I don't have the guts to do it, because I'm too afraid it will look bad. I also can't cut my hair short because of my 'long' face. It looks great on you tho!

  7. ah, benijd je om je durf! Mijn haar is al jaren hetzelfde, haha :) ik wil het niet te kort of kleuren :( maar dat limiteerd al direct mijn keuzes :( x

  8. Gorgeous! I love this post so much! Your hair is so beautiful =D I wonder how you will transform it next!

    Twitter: Sensiblestylist

  9. I myself love to experiment with my hair too. I get bored of my hair way too easily any way, so I need the change. And hair can grow back, so why not cut it, right?

  10. Gaaf iedere keer een ander kapsel! ben daar ook wel voor in.. alhoewel ik het echt niet zo kort zou durven knippen als op jouw profielpagina momenteel!


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xx Nieke