Alright it's been a while since I did some movie reviews. And since in the last 2 months, I've seen about 4 movies (with more coming up). So I thought let's review them and tell you what I thought about it.
The Host
Let's start out with the Host. A film made after Stephenie Mayer (yes, from the Twilight books) book, with the same name. I've read this book about 3 years ago, and all though I definitely forgot about some bits of it, the story really interested me. The trailer looked good and well.. After reading the books I had to go and see it, didn't I? But.. (here comes the 'but') I didn't impress as much as I hoped it would. It missed a lot of the story line which I loved in the book. And of course there was the love triangle again, yes it really does start to annoy me, and it just came out of nothing. There wasn't enough character building for me. And hearing Wanda's voice was a lot different then actually reading it. The movie was alright at some point as I really liked the look of the cave they stayed in. And the rumours of another part.. Why? I don't think that was necessary. Well let's just say, I thought the movie was okay for a lazy Sunday night, but not for the cinema.
For the people who don't know what I'm talking about, this is what the story is about:
When an unseen enemy threatens mankind by taking over their bodies and erasing their memories, Melanie will risk everything to protect the people she cares most about, proving that love can conquer all in a dangerous new world.
Overall: 5.5/10
31 May 2013
29 May 2013
Graduation: Get on your bike and ride
This is something I've been working really hard on. And as I normally won't share school projects, I am definitely going to share it now. For the last 3,5 months I've been researching video, London cycling, filming and editing and finally it's finished. My promotion video about cycling in London.
While you're thinking: 'Wow, did she already finish school?' No I definitely didn't. My thesis isn't finished yet and will take up a big chunk of time this week as I have to finish it before the 10th of June. But I really wanted to share my final video with all of you. So what do you think? And if you feel like it, please share!
28 May 2013
23 May 2013
Business cards
Business cards! As I'm going to look for a job soon I thought this would come in handy. And because I wanted it to be a little bit different I added UV partial spots, like you can see on the second picture. This means that some parts of the card glow. This will make some bits pop up a bit more. I forgot to shoot the photos in RAW so that's why they might be a bit dark, I'm sorry! But I think they turned out quite cool! These are mainly for my portfolio, but my blog name is on it.
What do you guys think?
What do you guys think?
20 May 2013
Tag: the revenge of the nerds!
I've got a fun post coming up somewhere this week, something I'm really excited about. BUT the post man still has to deliver it. So keep an eye open! In the mean time, I found this nerdy tag, which I'm dying to do. So here I go!
1. Kirk or Picard?
I've never been a big Trekkie (Star Trek fan), so let's skip this questions haha. I've only seen the Star Trek films and in those.. I like Kirk the best.
2. Warrior, thief, or wizard?
I have to think about the warrior and wizard for a bit. But in the end it will always be the wizard.
3. Favorite subject in school?
For uni I can't really say as the subject changes every period. In secundaire school my favourite subject was art. In primaire school, you won't believe me, but it was actually maths, because I was quite good at it.
4. What would your Patronus be?
I think it would be a dolphin, it's always been my favorite animal but I'm afraid I don't have that much similarities with it.
5. Favorite Superhero?
This is like making a choice between Marvel and DC. Oh wait, that is what question number 7 makes me do. But I've made this decision before and all though it's a very close pick between Iron Man and Batman. I'll have to go for Batman!
6. Star Trek or Star Wars?
Easy.. Star Wars! All though I haven't watched both until quite late. I definitely like Star Wars better than Star Trek.
15 May 2013
Personal update
(The photo is made on my internship, everyone has to bake something every week. Last week was my turn. I made Dutch delights: soesjes en tompoezen.)
I want to tell you guys that I'll be staying in London after my internship. I'm not moving back to the Netherlands, I'm staying in the UK. To find a job and stay in our apartment. I've thought about it and it doesn't have to be definite. There's always possibilities to go back, or stay longer. I'll see what happens! But for now.. I'll stay in London!
The second thing I want to tell you guys is that I'm definitely graduating next month. I've had one of the most important reflection moments during my graduation internship yesterday. And I got a green light, which means my supervisor believe that I'll be able to finish my thesis and product in a month. They believe I'm able to graduate! So the next few weeks I have to work hard on finishing my thesis (conclusions etc.) and perfecting my product, of which I'll make an entire separate post when it's done.
I just wanted to give you all a heads up, with an explanation of what exactly is happening. I'll hopefully be back soon with more blogposts.
P.S. Don't mind my all that natural hair colour on top of my head. I got rid of it now..
12 May 2013
09 May 2013
Why a long distance relationship can work!
It's time for another one of my rants! As I just wanted to take some time to post a reaction on this article.
At first.. I wanted to say that I absolutely disagree on this article by saying a long distance relationship can be a good idea, if you both want to make it work. Love isn't something you pick, it's something that happens. No matter where you are! And as Shakespeare says: "The course of true love never did run smooth."
So as some of you might know I've been in a long distance relationship for about a year. The last 3,5 months I've been living together with my boyfriend which changed everything. But we did live on at least a 5 hours travel before all that. (..train, bus, plane, train, bus, tube...) And I know from stories and people around me that it could be worse then that. (He could've been from Australia or.. the USA!) We were able to see other once every month, as the distance between London and Utrecht is doable and most importantly: affordable. Me being a student luckily saved some money and was working next to school. My boyfriend has a full-time job which made it easier to pay for this all.
But not only that.. Why would a long distance relationship be so much different from a normal one. If you really like, or even love each other enough, the distance shouldn't hold you back. You can't touch other, and can't be face to face all the time. But the feeling should still be there, of course it will be more difficult. But why should you have to fall in love with someone who lives close, in the same country. You can't place love between borders. Reading Elite Daily's article made me quite angry. We live in 2013, we have internet, we have smartphones.. Wouldn't this be the time to be in a long distance relationship possible? Things like Skype, Whatsapp, Viber and other apps will make staying in touch possible.
06 May 2013
Run, run, run!
Other than being very busy on my graduation project. (I've got an entire weekend of filming behind my back, and luckily a bank holiday today) I've been starting to work out again, I did my first 5KM this morning, and as you can see I'm still doing a lot of intervals. (which just means I walk after a bit of a run) But I think 5KM in 35 min is not to bad for a second run after 3 months of not working out. (there was one 4.0KM run in April) But I'm starting to get it going more. I've been doing some push, sit-ups and planks last week and I've got a jumping robes. Which is a bit difficult as our living room is a bit to small for that.
03 May 2013
InstaDiary: April
Bowling with my sister, her bf and my bf. - Canon 5D from internship. - Robin Vader. - Our Game of Thrones limited edition poster! - Colombia Road. - I started running again! - Eliza and the Bear. - Imagine Dragons!
01 May 2013
Crush #8: Rose Leslie

I wouldn't say that I'm a massive fan of Rose (I do really like here tho!), but I do think she's absolutely gorgeous. Not to forget about her character Ygritte (whom I love) in Game of Thrones. Because well.. "You know nothing Jon Snow." As the girl 'kissed by fire' and her gorgeous red hair I've started to develop a girl crush. I haven't seen her in anything else yet but think this could be the start of her career. (I hope) I've finished Storm of Swords so do know a little something about what will happen to her in the next season. But my lips are sealed and I won't say anything.
Oh and a little comment on the second picture. Do you recognise Emilia Clarke? One of my earlier girl crushes.
What do you guys think of Rose Leslie?
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