31 March 2013
Tag: Books
1. What is your favourite book?
This is always a really hard question for me. I've read quite a few books and I can't really choice one. But at the moment I think I'd have to say 'the Fault in Our Stars' by John Green and all the Harry Potter books by (ofcourse) J.K. Rowling.
2. What is your least favourite book?
'De Aanslag' by Harry Mulisch, I had to read this book for school and it's just not for me. Everyone is Always going on about this book but I think these kind of books are not my piece of toast. It couldn't get me and I didn't even get to finish it.
3. Name one book which will make you laugh out loud.
This is a difficult one.. I think this will have to be 'the Perks of Being a Wallflower' by Stephen Chbosky, and all though it definitely didn't make me laugh all the time. But Charlie is such an amazing character, just as the book is. And if you didn't see the movie yet.. You should see that as well, but please read the book first, it's absolutely beautiful.
4. Name a book which will make you cry.
Harry Potter made me cry, just like almost every John Green book, especially 'Looking for Alaska' and 'the Fault in Our Stars'. But just like me and movies, I cry very easily.
5. In which book would you want to life?
'Harry Potter', the 'Chronicles of Narnia' (C.S. Lewis) and secretly.. I would like to take a peak in to 'the Song of Ice and Fire' world as well, as long as George R.R. Martin doesn't kill me off and I get to be a Targaryen.
6. What is your favourite Young Adult book?
That would have to be 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins.
7. From which books can you litterally name quotes?
Harry Potter, no doubt.
29 March 2013
25 March 2013
Meeting a celebrity
I didn't meet that much people just on the street, but I did meet quite a few on events. The ones for which you pay money yes. But I would like to share my experience with you. I didn't really speak to every of these people but to the ones I did, it was an amazing experience. This is not to brag, because you don't just go to these events, you invest quite a bit of money and time to actually realize this kind of events. I just want to share my experience with you.
What is 'meeting' exactly? I've been to a few premieres where I've seen people but didn't speak to them because of the amount of people being there. So I want to make that split right here, I'm starting of the blogpost with people I've seen and people I've met. Not including in the people I've seen are artists at concert, because the list would become to big. I'll include an (a) after the people I managed to get an autograph of.
People I've seen:
Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson (a), J.K. Rowling, Rupert Grint (a), James & Oliver Phelps (a), Tom Felton (a), Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, Evanna Lynch (a) and because this would take ages I'm just going to say, the rest of the Harry Potter cast.
William Moseley, Ben Barnes, Georgie Henley (a) (who I had a very short talk with, but only because I said she looked beautiful), Skandar Keynes, Will Poulter (a), Anna Popplewell and same story here, the rest of the Chronicles of Narnia cast. (+ One Direction, Rebecca Ferguson and Matt Cardle who attended)
Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law (Sherlock Holmes premiere), Orlando Bloom (a), Luke Evans (a), Logan Lerman and a few more at the Three Musketeers premiere. David Tennant (walked by us on an event), Tom Hardy (who we casually saw somewhere on the streets in London).
Billy Boyd and Sean Astin who attended RingCon and start in The Lord of the Rings.
I also met Simple Plan, Lifehouse, Justin Nozuka, Scouting for Girls and Jack Savoretti. (I do have autographs of all these artists, on my Pinkpop hat haha)
What is 'meeting' exactly? I've been to a few premieres where I've seen people but didn't speak to them because of the amount of people being there. So I want to make that split right here, I'm starting of the blogpost with people I've seen and people I've met. Not including in the people I've seen are artists at concert, because the list would become to big. I'll include an (a) after the people I managed to get an autograph of.
People I've seen:
Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson (a), J.K. Rowling, Rupert Grint (a), James & Oliver Phelps (a), Tom Felton (a), Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, Evanna Lynch (a) and because this would take ages I'm just going to say, the rest of the Harry Potter cast.
William Moseley, Ben Barnes, Georgie Henley (a) (who I had a very short talk with, but only because I said she looked beautiful), Skandar Keynes, Will Poulter (a), Anna Popplewell and same story here, the rest of the Chronicles of Narnia cast. (+ One Direction, Rebecca Ferguson and Matt Cardle who attended)
Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law (Sherlock Holmes premiere), Orlando Bloom (a), Luke Evans (a), Logan Lerman and a few more at the Three Musketeers premiere. David Tennant (walked by us on an event), Tom Hardy (who we casually saw somewhere on the streets in London).
Billy Boyd and Sean Astin who attended RingCon and start in The Lord of the Rings.
I also met Simple Plan, Lifehouse, Justin Nozuka, Scouting for Girls and Jack Savoretti. (I do have autographs of all these artists, on my Pinkpop hat haha)
23 March 2013
22 March 2013
Video: travel to work with me
It was about time for another video wasn't it? I really want to shoot a video in the new apartment, but didn't have the time yet to do so. That's why I decided to take my 'Sony compact camera' with me to work, and film my journey for you guys. I live about 25 minutes away from the company I'm working at and travel by tube and foot. I don't know if you've guys ever been in London during rush hour.. But especially on the Central Line, there's hardly any space. Somedays I have to let 3 trains go because they're just to full.
I tried to give you a small taste of what London is like, while travelling. Or mainly while travelling when I'm going to work haha. Hope you guys enjoy the video.
And of course I can't forget about the song. 'One Direction's Little Things' performed by one of my friends: Tim. Go check out his Youtube channel.
21 March 2013
Another post of cosplay
Nieke you promised to show us more photos. I know! And am so sorry, but the video is waiting to be edited and while I was actually planning on doing that today.. I lost the cable for my hard drive so now I can't get to the footage. Sorry! Will try to get it done for somewhere this week. And the photos.. I'm still planning on making those. But these one more essential thing which has to arrive in the apartment before I really want to show everything.
I also wanted to let you all know that I'll be back in the Netherlands from this Saturday on. I'm leaving my laptop in London so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post some blogs. I'll definitely do my best as I'll probably use my parents iPad for those few days. I'll be back in London on Thursday.
But what I actually came here for today is another post of cosplay.

I also wanted to let you all know that I'll be back in the Netherlands from this Saturday on. I'm leaving my laptop in London so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post some blogs. I'll definitely do my best as I'll probably use my parents iPad for those few days. I'll be back in London on Thursday.
But what I actually came here for today is another post of cosplay.

19 March 2013
Inspiration: Teresa Q
I still have to learn a lot about photography but sometimes I stumble upon photographers and I wish I could shoot pictures like that. Teresa Q is one of those photographers. Take a look at these photos:

18 March 2013
Living together
First I'd wanted to thank you all for your great comments on my opinion post. I'm glad most of you like the blog the way it is. You all seem to like the London posts so I'd thought it was time for another one today. I also (yes for real now) have a video coming up!
Another bloggy announcement. Google Friend Connect will disappear from July on, so don't forget to follow my blog on bloglovin' to keep up to date for blogposts.
I think I'll finally have some time to take my camera and go in to the city from this week on. Everything arrived this week and our apartment is finally filled with all the furniture we wanted in there. Our diner table came in, my jewellery/make-up/girly cupboard, a side table and some more stuff. And of course not to forgot about the sofa.. Which finally comes in today, as it's terribly delayed. It might sound silly, but we're both so excited about it finally coming in. Can you imagine hanging out on your bed everyday. Especially with the side table, coffee and tv table already being in there.
I also got invited to go out for dinner and bowling with the company I did my internship at before. (my boyfriend still works there) So that's how I spend my Friday evening. And I didn't even do that bad. I wouldn't say bowling is something I'm very good at, but I managed to get 2 strikes. And dinner at 'The Diner' is always a good thing I'd say. Over the weekend I finally visited 'Forbidden Planet' again as well, which is one of my favourite stores in London. (you can get everything your nerdy heart desires, well a lot) And had lunch with a friend.
Don't mind that little piece of thread coming out of the wall. We need an electrician to come in to put up some lights. ;)
Another bloggy announcement. Google Friend Connect will disappear from July on, so don't forget to follow my blog on bloglovin' to keep up to date for blogposts.
I think I'll finally have some time to take my camera and go in to the city from this week on. Everything arrived this week and our apartment is finally filled with all the furniture we wanted in there. Our diner table came in, my jewellery/make-up/girly cupboard, a side table and some more stuff. And of course not to forgot about the sofa.. Which finally comes in today, as it's terribly delayed. It might sound silly, but we're both so excited about it finally coming in. Can you imagine hanging out on your bed everyday. Especially with the side table, coffee and tv table already being in there.
I also got invited to go out for dinner and bowling with the company I did my internship at before. (my boyfriend still works there) So that's how I spend my Friday evening. And I didn't even do that bad. I wouldn't say bowling is something I'm very good at, but I managed to get 2 strikes. And dinner at 'The Diner' is always a good thing I'd say. Over the weekend I finally visited 'Forbidden Planet' again as well, which is one of my favourite stores in London. (you can get everything your nerdy heart desires, well a lot) And had lunch with a friend.

15 March 2013
MY top 5 holiday destinations
I haven't seen half of the things of the world which I'd want to see. And now everyone around me (read: in the office) is going on filming trips to Mexico, El Salvador, South Africa.. The travel spirit starts to tickle all around me. I want to go far away! I want to see the world. But I'm only a student and the money doesn't grow around me everywhere. But I have been to some beautiful places. So here's my top 5 of the things I already did see! I'm not counting London as a country to travel to as this city is like my second home.
1. South Africa
My 9 hour flight to South Africa, was the very first time I was on a plane. Can you actually believe it? 9 hours, without ever flying before. And I actually loved it, of course your first take of is a bit scary, and turbulence is not really something you would want everyday. But I loved seeing the Sahara from above, which seemed to be endless. Same for the luxury plane and the tv screens in the seat in front of us. I was about to turn 16 on this holiday so it was my first time travelling with a pasport as well.
My dad turned 50 and this was one of the reasons we decided to do a big travel holiday this year. We would leave for a 3 week holiday to South Africa. Travelling from Johannesburg to Cape town in those week. A flight from Durban to Port Elizabeth included. This holiday was such an experience, culture shock added to that. It's so different then everything I was used too. The people, the country, the driving on the left, the food and the difference caused by the 'apartheid'. Of course not to forget about the animals walking around everywhere. On one of our first days there was a giraffe aside the road and not to forget about a little rhino who broke lose in a city where we just went for dinner.
The experience was amazing and I'm so glad I had to opportunity to see this beautiful country.
1. South Africa
My 9 hour flight to South Africa, was the very first time I was on a plane. Can you actually believe it? 9 hours, without ever flying before. And I actually loved it, of course your first take of is a bit scary, and turbulence is not really something you would want everyday. But I loved seeing the Sahara from above, which seemed to be endless. Same for the luxury plane and the tv screens in the seat in front of us. I was about to turn 16 on this holiday so it was my first time travelling with a pasport as well.
My dad turned 50 and this was one of the reasons we decided to do a big travel holiday this year. We would leave for a 3 week holiday to South Africa. Travelling from Johannesburg to Cape town in those week. A flight from Durban to Port Elizabeth included. This holiday was such an experience, culture shock added to that. It's so different then everything I was used too. The people, the country, the driving on the left, the food and the difference caused by the 'apartheid'. Of course not to forget about the animals walking around everywhere. On one of our first days there was a giraffe aside the road and not to forget about a little rhino who broke lose in a city where we just went for dinner.
The experience was amazing and I'm so glad I had to opportunity to see this beautiful country.
13 March 2013
Opinions + Spam your blog

I've been wanting to ask you guys this for quite a long time already. But I'd like to know your opinions! I know I have quite a few of Dutch readers as well so spam in Dutch, English.. I don't really care. But what kind of posts on my blog do you guys like best? Fashion, lifestyle, architecture, personal, the nerdy posts, videos? Or should I just keep it like this, the way it is right now. Because some posts get so much more comments then others. So please let me know what you think so I can improve the blog.
I really am going to try to make some more pictures but as the apartment is really almost finished now, I think it'll get better soon.
And as you're already here.. I'd like to see all your blogs! So spam a link to your blog down below in the comments so I can check all your blogs. I always try to reply back to every comments I get but sometimes it doesn't really work out. Thanks for sticking around!
12 March 2013
Crazy things I did in life #4
Did you guys ever hear about fanfiction? No? According to Wikipedia fanfiction is a broadly-defined fan labor term for stories about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creator. Works of fan fiction are rarely commissioned or authorized by the original work's owner, creator, or publisher; also, they are almost never professionally published.
So basically fan fiction is a story you write.. About a story which already exists. A story within a story, a story of which you're a fan. I think fan fiction must've started somewhere in the 60's, around the release of the first Star Trek. There this website called fanfiction.net, a place where fans share their stories. And from the age 13 tot 20, I've been writing fanfictions. So if you're curious.. Check it out and look up if there's some fan fiction about a show or movie you've watched. (take a look at the rating before you start reading tho, there's some crazy stuff going around there!)
Crazy things
11 March 2013
Movies: Reviews
It's time for some movie reviews! Next to re-watching all the Harry Potter movies this month, because my boyfriend had never seen them, I've watched some movies.. I'd never seen before. I also decided to give the movies a grade out of 10.
Side Effects
This is the only movie I saw in the cinema of these 4. I didn't really hear that much about it, but my boyfriend really wanted to see it. Side Effects is about a young woman (Rooney Mara) being prescribed antidepressant drugs. The movie is directed by Steven Soderbergh (Magic Mike, Haywire, the Ocean's movies) and is what I'd would say confusing! I think I liked it but it definitely needed some time to sink in. It's not a movie you just watch, it's what I would call a mind-fuck, all though not as much as I'd expected it to be. And as I don't want to spoil the movie to you, I can't say that much about it. It's very clever and interesting to watch, I wouldn't say, run to your nearest cinema to see it. But if you've got some time.. Check it out!
Overall: 6.5
Blue Valentine
Girls.. Grab some tissues before watching this movie! Blue Valentine is about a couple (Ryan Gosling & Michelle Williams) of whom you follow the story of their relationship. The movie is heartbreaking and both actors do such a fantastic job portraying it. The good thing about this movie is that you jump back and forth in time, without it being confusing. It's not one of Ryan Gosling's most famous movies and until my boyfriend told me about it.. I didn't even hear about this movie. I watched it while being ill which is maybe not the best idea, because it will make you quite depressed. It is a definite recommendation, but not for every day I'd suppose.
Overall: 7.5
08 March 2013
07 March 2013
Time for some bloopers
In this post I told you guys about our Supernatural Parody we made a year ago. I was planning on making a video today, but I'm in bed cuddled up today because I'm sick. Yikes! So I thought today would be a good day to share the blooper video which I finally finished this week. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I do as I burst out laughing every time I watch it.
And as this is a year ago.. You can see how much my hair changed.
I do plan on making some photos for a little apartment sneak peak for all of you. As some of the stuff we ordered is delayed. Sorry guys! But the room tour will come in the end.
05 March 2013
InstaDiary: February
February was such a short month. (it actually was tho, only 28 days!) But everything flew by. A new InstaDiary for all of you, I didn't take that much photos as well because I've been very busy.
Our new sofa. - Lush anniversary gift from my bf. - 3 favourite perfumes. - Underground station. - Niet voorbijsteken! - New jumper. - Renewed my portfolio website. - Moustage cup at internship.
04 March 2013
London update #3
It's time for another update! I've been a bit quiet over the weekend and that is because my parents were over for the weekend. They helped in the apartment and of course we did some sightseeing as well. But our apartment is finally starting to get to that point.. Where it's finished. And guess what will finally be coming in this week? The sofa!
I've been living in London for a month now, and wow. Time really flies. Everything is going so fast and in only 3 weeks I'm already flying back to the Netherlands for a poster presentation. But all the pieces are starting to fall together. Our sofa is coming in this week which will finally make it possible for us to chill out. Because a bed and stools to sit on. It's ok for some time, but we're getting quite sick of it now.
We decided to bid on some posters, as we're both big movie / tv show fans. (here and here) We want variant framed movie posters. The (hopefully) last IKEA order will be coming in on Saturday. And the week after I can finally start buying some candles, photo frames and other sorts of decoration. Plus I'll be able to set up my camera and maybe even make a video for you guys. Adding to that.. Some photos of the apartment might be coming up soon. I'm starting to feel less stressed now everything is falling together as well. As we can start spending weekend chilling out and visiting places in London.
Everything is going well on my internship and I'm mainly working on my own project at the moment. Five days a week is still some getting used to, because it's quite a lot working 9 to 6. My boyfriend has shorter days so he starts cooking before I'm home most of the time. Between us? Of course we have arguments but everything is going really well. I'm once again loving my stay in the UK.
If you guys have any questions or want to know more about my time in London, please shout!
I've been living in London for a month now, and wow. Time really flies. Everything is going so fast and in only 3 weeks I'm already flying back to the Netherlands for a poster presentation. But all the pieces are starting to fall together. Our sofa is coming in this week which will finally make it possible for us to chill out. Because a bed and stools to sit on. It's ok for some time, but we're getting quite sick of it now.
We decided to bid on some posters, as we're both big movie / tv show fans. (here and here) We want variant framed movie posters. The (hopefully) last IKEA order will be coming in on Saturday. And the week after I can finally start buying some candles, photo frames and other sorts of decoration. Plus I'll be able to set up my camera and maybe even make a video for you guys. Adding to that.. Some photos of the apartment might be coming up soon. I'm starting to feel less stressed now everything is falling together as well. As we can start spending weekend chilling out and visiting places in London.
Everything is going well on my internship and I'm mainly working on my own project at the moment. Five days a week is still some getting used to, because it's quite a lot working 9 to 6. My boyfriend has shorter days so he starts cooking before I'm home most of the time. Between us? Of course we have arguments but everything is going really well. I'm once again loving my stay in the UK.
If you guys have any questions or want to know more about my time in London, please shout!
01 March 2013
Crush #7: Jennifer Lawrence

People say she came from the internet and just got famous. Did you all see her interview getting intruded by Jack Nicholson? Or her interview at Jay Leno? I've spend multiple evenings just looking at interview with Jennifer. Girl crush? I'd definitely say so! And I have to admit when she just got casted.. Me and the rest of the District12.be team, (I'm a co-admin) weren't to sure. She was blonde and not really the girl we had in mind. And look how it turned out now? We all love Jennifer and she did such an amazing job as Katniss. And not to forget about Silver Linings Playbook, which I watched this week. She absolutely deserved that Oscar.
Her personality seems great and isn't she beautiful? What do you think of Jennifer?
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