If you're following me on Instagram you might have seen some moving pictures. I've been extremely busy the last few days and today.. I'm back in the office. Back working on some edits and my graduation project. I still have to hear about my plan of action, and if that's okay, I can continue working on that.

But the moving. Thursday night we went over to the apartment to pick up the keys. And unfortunately the inhabitants before us left the place quite disgusting. What left us with a full day of cleaning on Friday. After buying some equipment and a hoover, which my boyfriend decided to call R2-D2. We could get started on cleaning. And mainly the kitchen definitely needed that. If I look at our kitchen now I'm very glad we cleaned it all the way. The kitchen is the only room which looks quite finished at the moment. We have a small bar in the kitchen for which the stools will be delivered this week. We decided to keep turquoise, white, wood and gray as the four main colours in the house. So our kettle and toaster are turquoise, which I love! We bought a milk clock, which looks amazing. (the picture above) And after doing some grocery shopping and filling the kitchen up, it looks really homey.
Our bedroom is still quite empty. There is a bed in there and we're able to sleep, and we tried to fill up the fitted wardrobe as far as we could. Our washing bin is already hanging in there as well. But a mirror, cupboards and bed stands still have to be ordered. Oh and of course not to forget about the decorations.
The living room.. Well. Let's just say that we didn't really use this room yet. We're still working on some painting and sorting out the floor, add to that the terrible lamps we have to replace. There is a closet in there which is now filled with everything we can't put on it's place yet. A rug which is still in the package and our coffee table, with currently.. The tv on it. The sofa is being made at the moment and will hopefully arrive next week. We also have to get some stuff delivered next week which means I'll have to work from home a few times.
The bathroom wasn't to bad luckily. We still have to get some hangers for towels and a little cupboard to put stuff in. Oh and a new mirror and shower head. But that's probably just because we don't like the current ones.
So still quite a lot to do. Plus add my school work and normal life to that. It's going to be some busy weeks. And luckily our apartment is done in some places now, it still needs some decorating and major fixings. But at least I've got internet now(a dongel, for the time being, our router will come later). I can try to make some more blogposts for all of you.
I also got a haircut which I'll try to make some good pictures of. And to say a little something about it to you guys... I got a pixie cut.