FarBeyondBelieving: About diets, sports and losing weight..

15 April 2013

About diets, sports and losing weight..

So summer is coming closer and everyone is trying to get in shape again. While summer is not even the main reason for me, and I don't necessarily want to lose weight. (I do want my belly tight to get back in to my Daenerys costume tho) Because aren't muscles heavier than fat? But sport and eating healthy is. My boyfriend has been doing this fasting diet' over the last few weeks, and I've been keeping telling him he should stop.
Because the thing was, he wasn't having breakfast, but only a shake in the morning. He goes to the gym 3 times a week (before work), and has 2 big meals after that. But only on training days he has big portions. I finally got him off that from this week on. And we're back on a normal schedule now.

But what am I doing to stay healthy? I finally started running again last week after not doing any sports for 2 months. And believe me, that is a very long time for me. Since I was 6 years old I've been doing sports for at least 2 days a week. I've been doing gymnastics (age 6 to 12), tennis (age 6 to 11), professional skiing (age 6 to 19), jazzballet (age 12 to 13) and I've been going to the gym from the age of 14 until about 2 months ago. Because of my internship (and money) I decided not to go the gym in London yet but try to do some stuff on my own. I'm a very sporty person and as it's always been important to me I have to get back to it. I still have a goal to walk a marathon before I turn 30 years old.

I want to get back on the sporting track again and try to run twice a week, use my jumping rope and do power training. I'm not fat, but my belly isn't as tight as it was before. My legs are big, but all muscles because of the amount of professional skiing I've done. But of course, I'll have to keep this up-to-date.  Last Tuesday I've done my first bit of running, 4 km in 27 minutes. My condition has definitely gone in the wrong direction. The rest of the week I've been doing exercises at home. I can do better but some weeks, are not the best for us girls. (you all know what I mean)

The thing is.. I have a bit more testosterone in my body. More than most girls have. This means that my muscles grow a bit faster and the same for hair on for example my legs. (yikes!) I have to be really careful with lifting weights as the muscles in my shoulders pop up really quickly which makes my neck and shoulders, really big! This is not something I want, and is annoying for clothes as well. Right now I'm a size 28 (jeans), 36 (everything else) or small. I'm only 1.60m (5'2) tall and every kilo I gain shows. (tiny people problems)

But what about food? For breakfast I have cerial with some sort of fruit in it, combined with an apple juice or water. Not to forget about a vitamin pil. I eat a salad for lunch 4 days a week. I just buy the groceries and make it at work. Friday is my off day and in the weekend I mainly brunch. The evenings I eat a bit of everything but try to eat enough vegetables every day. I try to keep snacks to a minimum and take a fruit instead. Another (quite important thing), we don't drink anything fizzy. No coke, fanta or anything. The only thing we have to drink in our apartment is water, squash, milk, tea and a bottle of wine. I like a coke or sprite once in a while but only drink it when I'm out for drinks or in a restaurant. Same for pasta, potatoes and bread, I do eat it (and love it) but try not to have to much of it. I eat everything I want, but after a 'I ate a lot day', I try to keep it to a minimum the day after.

Do you guys have any tips for me? And are you working out or dieting?


  1. I don't really have any good tips for you, sorry. I'm a person who can eat whatever I want without gaining weight and when I eat less I lose bit of weight.

    What I do is sit ups. You have some funn iPhone apps for that. Sit Up Pro, I believe it's named. And the only think I eat is breakfast, lunch and dinner and sometimes I eat a bit of chocolate. And this works for me. ;)

  2. I don't have any tips, sounds like you're doing just fine on your own ^_^ I'm impressed with all the sports you did/do!
    I'm working out again as well, I started going to the gym again after a few months break. I try to watch what I eat more, but .. potatoes, bread and pasta are like my main food sources XD If I had to eat a salad for lunch I would die D: I need my sandwich!! I just eat less of it. As for fizzy drinks I'm a Coca Cola addict, but I always drink Diet Coke. As long as I don't stuff my face with potato chips every day, this arrangement works fine for me :D
    Anyway! Good luck getting back in shape!

  3. Ik ken je probleem (1 kilo op een klein lichaam is helaas veel), maar het ziet er naar uit dat je niet echt tips nodig hebt :) Je sport lekker en je eet gezond, dat lijkt me prima!

  4. I've started paying more attention to what I eat and started exercising some more as well. As for food, I recently bought a blender (finally!) and I find it easier to eat my portion of fruits now that I can try out different smoothies. I also bought chia seeds recently, to put in my smoothies. Chia seeds are a superfood, full of fibers and other beneficial substances. I have only tried them twice or so, so I can't really tell if there's a difference yet ;). You definitely don't need to lose weight, but I understand you want to keep your condition up to date :)

  5. Ik ben zelf ook niet zo groot, maar ik sport liever dan dat ik ga diëten. Ik merk ook dat ik veel dingen nog wel kan eten, mits ik flink ga sporten.

  6. Ik ken dat inderdaad ook wel. Ben de laatste tijd meer bezig met gezond & bewust eten en dat gaat best lekker eigenlijk. De kilo's vliegen er niet af maar zit daardoor wel een stuk lekkerder in mijn vel, en dat is toch wel erg belangrijk. Wil ook graag beginnen met rennen maar die eerste keer vind ik zo lastig om te starten, en dus stel ik dat al weken uit.

  7. Ik zou dus ook meer moeten sporten en gezonder eten, maar ik heb er gewoon geen zin in. Klaar. Ik weet wel dat ik dan beter in m'n vel zit en me ook beter voel, maar ik kan me er gewoon niet toe zetten om op te staan en te gaan sporten, ik ben echt lui haha.

    Maar cornflakes zijn niet zo heel gezond als je denkt! Er zit vaak enorm veel suiker in, en degene waar geen suiker in zitten bevatten vaak onverzadigde vetten (die dus slecht voor je zijn). Brood is in Engeland heel anders dan hier he? Bruin brood kennen ze niet toch? Misschien kun je ontbijten met yoghurt, of kwark, ipv cornflakes. Of met havermout en noten erbij, heb je toch die bite maar niet die suikers! Wat ik trouwens ook erg lekker vind bij mijn ontbijt, en wat ook goed vult, zijn groene smoothies! Vooral spinazie-banaan-sinaasappel(sap) is een grote favoriet. Als ik een smoothie neem bij mijn ontbijt eet ik daarnaast een cracker met kaas en dan heb ik tot een uur of 11 echt genoeg.

    1. Ik eet geen cornflakes, ik eet cruesli met noten, dat is ook cerial. :) Dat eet ik met melk. Ik vind havermout niet zo lekker dus dat eet ik niet. Weet dat in cruesli ook flink wat suiker zit, maar vind het gewoon heel erg lekker. Bruin brood hebben ze hier wel maar is vooral van dat toast brood.. Het brood is gewoon niet zo lekker dus ik eet het niet zo veel. We hebben een blender dus ik ben sowieso van plan binnenkort iets uit te proberen.
      Daarnaast kan ik gewoon niet zonder sporten, mijn lichaam raakt helemaal in de war en mijn weerstand dendert echt naar beneden. Dus ik voel me er gewoon zoveel prettiger bij.

  8. Ik moet ook nodig wat kilo's kwijt voor de zomer. Dan voel ik me meteen weer wat fijner en lichter. Alleen het sporten helpt al om een beetje in vorm te komen. Alleen het gaat altijd veel te langzaam.

  9. Volgens mij ben je goed bezig! En ik denk dat deze manier veel beter werkt dan al die 'echte diëten'. Ik ben bezig om deze maand elke dag squats te doen. Goed voor je been en bilspieren!

  10. You wrote "serial" instead of "cerial" :).
    I'm terrible at working out or running and stuff. I used to go to dance class 3 hours a week, which was I all did. Since I've been in London, I haven't done anything except for walking a lot :P

    I do need to be careful tho, with what I eat and stuff, but I'm fine with the way I look right now. Even though, I could loose a bit of weight for the summer ;). I just don't have the energy to do something after work.

    Sorry I can't be of any help. Good luck though!


Comments are very much appreciated. Thanks so much for visiting. :)
xx Nieke