I've been looking for my personal style of fashion for quite a long time. Since the age of 15 I started to get more interested in 'how to dress' and tried a bit of everything. I've never been the casual girl, I wanted to wear clothes who'd stand out. (and that wasn't always in a good way) How I would describe my style now? Rock & nerdy. I've worn a lot of black (including dying my fringe and the tops of my hair black), hippy colorful, skater-ish but now I found the style I really like and feel comfortable in. Band t-shirts, high waisted shorts, hats, galaxy tops and studs, yes a lot of studs. I like to combine this with a nerdy, geeky influence. Game of Thrones t-shirts, Converse, colorful trousers and Batman bracelets.
I like experimenting with my style. And especially hair, in 2 years time I went from brown, long and curly to pixie, red and super short. But the rock lifestyle? No, I love AC/DC, Metellica and Foreigner but I get really happy when you play some Taylor Swift, Lights and Owl City as well. But we'll get back on music later!
I like experimenting with my style. And especially hair, in 2 years time I went from brown, long and curly to pixie, red and super short. But the rock lifestyle? No, I love AC/DC, Metellica and Foreigner but I get really happy when you play some Taylor Swift, Lights and Owl City as well. But we'll get back on music later!
Source: tumblr.com
Ik begin mijn eigen stijl steeds meer te ontdekken, maar ben er nog niet helemaal! Ik vind die enkel cuffs echt gaaf!
ReplyDeleteIk viel eigenlijk ook altijd al wel op. De raarste dingen bij elkaar, en dan met mijn all stars eronder voelde ik me geweldig. Het laatste jaar ben ik het allemaal net wat anders gaan matchen... Heb ook minder mijn gekleurde broeken aan [aangezien Iedereen dat nu heeft-.-]. Maar hou nog steeds van stijlen zoals hierboven.
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